There have been several scientific studies which proved that pets could dramatically lower blood pressure though having a pet is a big responsibility. Having a pet lessens anxiety as well as boost the owner's immunity. It is probably due to pet owner literally feeling their pet's love and devotion.
Luckily EJ has lovely eight handicapped and abandoned cats or else the blood pressure will shoot sky high. For weeks, the telephone was not working and lately internet connection was either down or torturously slow. With the telephone down, EJ cannot phone the authorities concerned to report the fault. And EJ do not like to impose on friends or relatives.
There were times when EJ felt like sending the cats to the authorities concerned especially Kenggy, the pawless cat, to torture tickle and Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK, with missing eye globe, to dagger stare them to quickly rectify whatever faults. (EJ's legs are Kenggy's favourite scratching poles and without claws, it really is ticklish. EJ had to stay still and laugh out loud during the scratch or else Kenggy would fall down.)
Luckily EJ has lovely eight handicapped and abandoned cats or else the blood pressure will shoot sky high. For weeks, the telephone was not working and lately internet connection was either down or torturously slow. With the telephone down, EJ cannot phone the authorities concerned to report the fault. And EJ do not like to impose on friends or relatives.
There were times when EJ felt like sending the cats to the authorities concerned especially Kenggy, the pawless cat, to torture tickle and Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK, with missing eye globe, to dagger stare them to quickly rectify whatever faults. (EJ's legs are Kenggy's favourite scratching poles and without claws, it really is ticklish. EJ had to stay still and laugh out loud during the scratch or else Kenggy would fall down.)

A New Year wish from EJ would be special discounts for streamyx internet services for senior citizens from Telekoms as communication is important to those in their golden years to keep in contact with relatives and friends not only locally but internationally as well.
Happy New Year everyone.