28 August 2022

Howling Command!

Our human sneaked in to the MeowYard to check on Winnie but she was not there.
Naturally our human looked high and low in all nooks and corners and then heard Winnie howling loudly.
Peering through the window, Winnie was at the MeowRoom grill howling loudly for her 'slave'.
Our human looked and realised the food bowl was empty and replenished it immediately.
PS: Could not blog last week due to lightning and thunder.

14 August 2022

Combing on Demand!

Winnie gets a full body grooming comb daily usually in the late evening.
Lately she has been demanding grooming by sitting in her MeowRoom padded box and meowing loudly for her slave. There were days when the demand was as many as three times a day.
There were occasions when our human slave tells Winnie that if she were to demand grooming comb too often, she, Winnie, will turn a Peterbald in no time!
So far so good Winnie still has her fur.

07 August 2022

New Spot Found?

Winnie rested on a new spot. 
Not wanting Winnie to rest on bare wood, our human lined almost the entire lower tier with cardboards for better cushioning and then pet pads.
Now she has more resting choice! Our human now sits on a low stool to change soiled pads.
PS: That last remaining solid low wooden stool is at least 60 years old which our human and siblings used when they were in elementary school for doing homework.