Continued from previous post when Noel was found
Because EJ's office was a distance from home, EJ always left early. With an hour before starting work, EJ had a favourite stall to have breakfast usually thosai (which is vegetarian) and a glass of coffee (to fully wake up) and sometimes a slice of fruit.
While waiting for breakfast to arrive, EJ placed that tiny plastic aquarium with Noel inside on the table. Gradually the table was surrounded by happy smiling faces who muttered, "So cute! So tiny!"
The second EJ saw colleagues who worked in the same section, EJ asked for their cooperation not to mention Noel to the immediate working superior who dislike animals especially cats.
It was a stressful day for EJ.
Noel was a good boy. Placed at EJ's foot under the working table, Noel slept blissfully without making a sound.
Feeding time was during lunch hour. When the immediate working superior left for lunch, EJ's colleagues told EJ to switch off all lights and lock the glass door to indicate that all were out for lunch, and there's no one inside. That was exactly what EJ did and then crawled under the table to bottle feed as well as clean Noel.
Washing the milk bottle was done in the toilet on a different floor to avoid questions asked and thus the news carried back.
The day went with Noel and colleagues cooperating their fullest but EJ's nerves was a wreck, and decided against bringing Noel to office again.
EJ turned Noel's feeding time upside down. It would be sleeping time for Noel when EJ was at work and regular feeding at night when human sleep. EJ has done that with previous cats and they grew up well. So it wasn't the first time EJ moved like a zombie in office!
Weekend came. EJ took both mother Pebble for the after-spaying check-up and baby Noel for his first check-up.
Since Noel was outdoor, he could have picked up worms and parasites. His vet advised to give deworming paste for three consecutive days that resulted in Noel messing himself a lot for four consecutive days. EJ had to clean him constantly. Noel lost weight. His vet also found fleas. Medication or spray could not be used on him because he was so young; his vet got rid of it manually.
Noel started to grow and won many hearts. To show his love, Noel kneaded EJ with his tiny paws and even purred! EJ could not believe kittens at such a young age could display such actions and placed Noel close to EJ's mom's ear to confirm the purring. EJ's mom was just as thrilled as EJ on hearing it.
EJ was a happy zombie!
Here is Noel on his favourite pink teddy given by EJ's friend Tony and his wife Sally.

To continue on Tuesday on Noel Learns to Walk