21 July 2024

Lost Soul?

On one morning walk, our human encountered this and wondered.
Some hiker lost his soul...oops, sole!
Now this is food for thought; why didn't that hiker turn back to retrieve it?

14 July 2024


This kitty's name is Mooncake.
Our human realises why it is named so.
Look at that sweet round face and rotund body, just like a mooncake!
Notice those earnestly intent eyes, Mooncake must have seen a bird flying low nearby...
...and meowed in frustration when it realised it was beyond its capability to reach it.
Do you think Mooncake needs to go on a diet?
Mooncake lives in Toronto and belongs to our human's nephew.

07 July 2024

Hardworking Beetle

Our human felt something small moving in front during morning walk, stopped immediately, looked around and saw this little beetle in the middle of the path hard at work struggling to move a round object larger than its body.
It was a dung beetle moving monkey dung.
Though it took some time, our human waited till that dung beetle slowly rolled the dung to the side of the path before continuing walking.
Our human felt lucky to have witnessed such show of effort, determination and perseverance.

30 June 2024

Hiker Jack Russell

A friendly couple always bring their Jack Russell pet dog on their daily hikes.
Now eight, this little neutered female dog has been hiking since she was three months' old.
Using her short muscular legs, no rough terrain is impossible for her.
And she loves fresh cool clean water which she must stop to enjoy whenever there is one.
Just look at that blissful face soaking in the water from this little waterfall and feel her happiness!

23 June 2024

Small Foot or Big Mango?

That's right! This is our human's foot used here as a comparison to the mango beside it.
A friend had a mango tree in the garden and gifted our human one.
Our human simply could not resist and took this comparison picture.
Is our human foot small or that mango huge? (It took our human a few days to consume that mango.)
That mango tree must have absorbed tons of fruiting growth fertilisers!