Like humans, animals have their favourite corner to lounge or nap. Some cats prefer almost impossible places like squeezing in tiny spots or small gaps.
Pebble, a medium-sized cat, has her favourite - on the small narrow window sill.
Pebble, a medium-sized cat, has her favourite - on the small narrow window sill.

Ideas anyone?

White vinegar in water, diluted 1 parts to 4. Doesn't' she look pretty!
Wow – that's a weird sleeping spot! Zilly likes to sleep anywhere disruptive xD Like where my dad tries to use his mouse ("Hey cat! Stop sleeping on my mouse pad!" HAHA) or where I put my mac or on the piano seat.
Funny how they find those awkward
places, but the window probably has
a great view of the birds outside????
Have a great day!
Thanks Kaztales for the tip. Yes, Pebble is pretty. She was abandoned.
Aw, Tigertail, Zilly probably wants attention.
Thanks Jewel Girls Katz, that window is between the cat yard and my bedroom and can look into the hall but not outside.
My cat Peeve likes to sleep in the dining room window. I think it looks so uncomfortable, but what do I know?
Sassie likes to sleep on the heater. It's very weird.
Pebble is a lovely cat. : )
I put my mac or on the piano seat
Work from home India
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