03 November 2009

Tanya Augmented

Looking through some old stuff, EJ found this photo of Tanya when she came and asked for help. This was taken when she had just given birth to five adorable kittens. It was a little over eight years ago.

In those eight years, a lot has happened to Tanya. There was a brief time when she would saunter over to her ex-owner's house for a quick visit and hello. There was also a time when her ex-owner tried to win her back as Tanya has filled out and healthy.

And when she met a horrible accident that needed three corrective surgeries, Tanya became EJ's permanent roommate on the advice of her vet.

This is how she look now.


nurul said...

Tanya so pretty and beautiful, because of that she become so arrogant as well. Don't like her, prefer winnie and tommy the most :)

nurul said...

the transformation was amazing miss yap! just imagine if you have raise up a child..

Inday said...

Great looking Tanya!

Cindy said...

Wow! That is the same cat, amazing.

wenn said...

so beautiful with thick fur..

Ginger said...

Just gorgeous!!!

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

You did a great job, EJ! Tanya has filled out very nicely.

Marie said...

Tanya is just gorgeous! My goodness she looks so beautiful and healthy -- you've done a great job for her!

Luna und Luzie said...

Tanya looks gorgeous! She has a beautiful and fluffy fur!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Gosh she's a big girl! And pretty!

Thanks for dropping by. Target is now recovering so we're all very relieved.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Proff of what love and good care can accomplish. She is just beautiful.


Ingrid said...

She looks very pretty ! A royal cat, lol !