A stopcock on white wall is not a pretty sight.
To hide it, EJ bought a shell-shaped pot and grew (what the locals call) money plant in it.
As this particular pot has no drainage hole, EJ had to use a chair to climb up to see how much water was needed on a daily basis. Soon EJ found it too much of a bother and decided to replace it with the plastic version that needed zero care.
To hide it, EJ bought a shell-shaped pot and grew (what the locals call) money plant in it.
As this particular pot has no drainage hole, EJ had to use a chair to climb up to see how much water was needed on a daily basis. Soon EJ found it too much of a bother and decided to replace it with the plastic version that needed zero care.

The nest was really a lovely work of art. EJ wished it could be kept but had to snip off that plastic stalk as a precautionary measure.
oooo...had no idea this plant was toxic. no matter, the brown cows avoid the money plant, preferring to sniff among my herbs instead. they miss their wheatgrass, though.
looks nice anyway..
artificial ones last long too
A smile from SJ =)
most importantly - it will not harm the cats!
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