15 December 2009

Heads and Tails

Those who read last Tuesday's comments will understand why EJ took the effort and time to search for the following pictures.

These were taken when 4head, Tortie's brother, was still alive. Both Tortie and 4head were very close as grew up together since birth and had never separated.

In this photo, Tommy is on the left, 4head in the middle with Tortie on the right. Winnie is sleeping in the cubicle of the cat condo.

This photo was taken on another day. EJ could not really understand why Tommy did what he did - putting his legs on 4head's head. Anyway, EJ was glad that this photo was snapped.

In the cubicles, on the left is Tanya with Winnie on the right. Part of Pebble is in the foreground.

EJ remembers that 4head actually woke up, looked around, sized up the situation and promptly went back to sleep.

Ahh, if only we can sleep well in whatever positions.


Ingrid said...

These are such adorable photos ! I wished my cats would sleep together only one time for a photo, but no, only Rosie and Arthur do it, and Pookie and Kim, but never all 5 !

Cindy said...

Adorable pictures! You timed them just right. What are the odds that they would all be sleeping at the same time.

Al said...

Looks like a cat dormitory MOL! Very candid photos of kitties.


Sharon Wagner said...

So many kitties! More to love I guess.

Unknown said...

Oh they are so cute and so happy! Great pics. :)

Tigertail said...

:O Is it just something to do with the framing, or are those cats huge?? xD

But yeah, wow, never thought so many cats would fall asleep together :D The foot-on-head is adorable!

Inday said...

i have never seen a real catty mosaic. you did well with your framework CS. Amusing!

oh, i can sleep with my arms hanging on the edge of my bed. err sometimes i hang half of my body too but never fell off the bed so far. maybe i have the cat's nine lives too?

i sleep like a log
i wriggle like a rustling wave to the shore

Irishcoda said...

LOL, I was thinking the same thing AL was---kitty dorm!


Well it might be a kitty dorm, but I
would love to meet each and every
kitty there. Funny how they are all
in little cubbie spaces! :) And actually stayed!!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Oh these are such sweet ppictures. They all look so peaceful sleeping away. I wonder if they are dreaming.

From you friends at
Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

Luna und Luzie said...

Wow, all kitties are sleeping near by. That is adorable!
What a great kittie condo!

Ellen Whyte said...

It's flat fat cat city!!! So sweet looking.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with nip and other goodies!

nurul said...

i do wish we human can sleep like that! :D

they all are so cute lah :)

Ashkarya said...

oh dear! such a full, full life with these adorable furballs!