08 December 2009

Friends, Countrymen, lend me your...err...Rump!

All kittens love to sleep in a group but not all adult cats.

The two biggest and heaviest, Tommy and Tortie, loves to groom each other and then sleep. And they choose the softest part of the body to rest their heads - the fleshy rump.

They looks so comfortably and happy sleeping in this position that EJ had to resist the temptation of prodding their fat rumps to allow them to continue their sleep.


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

They do look so comfortable and cozy. My two big males cuddle when they sleep too.



Awwwwwwwwe! This is so cute, I love
how they're cuddling together.
Sweet kitty pals.

Ellen Whyte said...

I take it your cats do not have wind...

The Chair Speaks said...

This I have to answer. Hahaha.
Yes, Katztales, I believe the cats do have wind as I have had whifs of that noxious smell.
I even have photos of them sleeping face in butt and will post them next Tuesday if I can find them.

Luna und Luzie said...

That is sooo cute! Our cats never sleep like that...except Olli with neighboring tabby cat.

*Happy Tuesday*

Al said...

Aww how sweet! But Prudence and Muning doesn't want to be beside each other when they sleep...ho hum I wish they would so I can take a photo of them.

Irishcoda said...

Oh that is so funny! Some of the gang will cuddle together too but usually rump-to-rump

Unknown said...

They look so cute together! Only Mimi and Winnie will cuddle at my house. Happy COT!

Cindy said...

Two sweet kitties! I would want to poke them to wake them too, my mean side, just to pet them and give them a kiss.

Ingrid said...

How sweet they look together ! Arthur allows Rosie to sleep against his belly and Pookie supports only Kim.

TorAa said...

Hi beauties in the Chair,

I'm not in the right mood to comment as usual.
You'll understand when reading my COT this week.


Pam said...

I wish my cats would be happy to lie so close together!

catsynth said...

Very cute - looks like they are quite close to snuggle together like that - and I suppose it makes sense to find the softest spot when resting.

Anonymous said...

Cats certainly know how to find the best spots!

Ashkarya said...

Pixel uses Trixie's rump as a pillow too!! And they lovingly groom each other everyday too! I think they'd fall apart if they were separated.