27 October 2009

A Pirate Hat

EJ was excited when a cute pirate hat complete with an eye patch was found online.

Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK needed the eye patch to cover his missing eye globe. The hat is just to give him the boost to make him feel macho.

Unfortunately what EJ found has the eye patch for the wrong side. It covers The Captain's good eye which he uses to view the world like a hawk.

So The Captain will have to just hold it in his paw.



Awwweee those blimy eye patch people
are gonna walk yer plank now? :)
Have yer grate Twosday!

Ingrid said...

You look great with your one eye and if you still can see like a hawk it's perfect ! Don't mind about the captain, my cats don't like costumes either, lol !

Al said...

Hahaha, you still look macho!

Rach said...

AWH so cute la ms yap ! :D

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

LOL..poor Captain Jack Sparrow Hawk...blinded in the wrong eye. But still looks macho. :D

Cindy said...

You're a super ManCat, you don't need no silly costume to make you look cute.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Well, the patch held in your paw made a great picture. I bet you see a lot with yoour one eye. You are a very handsome cat, that's for sure.


Pam said...

That is the cutest photo! He looks good even w/o a patch!

Marie said...

Awww, he's so handsome, with or without an eye patch! :-)

Irishcoda said...

What a handsome picture, too bad about the eye patch being on the wrong side! Not adjustable, huh? :P

Unknown said...

Wow, Capt Jack looks just like our Smokey! Loved the fangs post, too, that was a great pic. Happy COT!

Anonymous said...

waa.. cutenya.. why dun you try to modify that patch. but i think captain jack is more comfortable without the patch. macho tapi uneasy, malasla...

Luna und Luzie said...

He looks cute and very handsome!

Sorry, I´m late with my comment for COT.

Brenda Eason said...

He looks alittle angry to me =),but still so loving.