22 August 2010

Lend a Shoulder

It's Sunday!

Tommy says Sunday is a day to lend a shoulder to a buddy, Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK, though you know he drools...

...a closer look...

...and still love him!


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I love this picture. Cat's are truly one of God's greatest creations.

magiceye said...

love your loving

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride

Boom Nisanart said...

Very Sweet Photos.
The last image, It's overwhelming of love : )

Jacqueline said...

Precious photos!...Those handsome boys are such sweet friends, it's really adorable...Happy Sunday, lovely kitties...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Al said...

How sweet and full of love and affection.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such an adorable series of photos! Love to see animals getting on so well together!

Marg said...

Tommy, that certainly nice of you to lend your shoulder to Hawk. It looks like a comfy shoulder too. It is always so great to see cats snuggling.
Have a great day.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Tommy and gorgeous Captain Jack Sparrow Hawk!!! Tommy you are just lovely giving the Captain a shoulder to lean on!
Take care

jabblog said...

Very affectionate!

Sylvia K said...

What lovely, loving cats! I love them! Fun shots for the day! Have a fun week!

Sam, Mojo and Sylvia

Annie Bear said...

This is so special. How blessed you are to have these two! What a sweetie Tommy is to lend his shoulder to Captain Jack Sparrow even tho he drools, and he loves on him too. So sweet.

By the way, I made the recipe yesterday for lunch. Hubby liked it and we're actually having it again tonight for dinner. Thanks again!


Wonderful photos!

Ingrid said...

That's too sweet !

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

True love!

Ellen Whyte said...

oooh how sweet! Love this pic.

We love Luna said...

How adorable!These pictures are so lovely like a GOOD DREAM!

Luna und Luzie said...

This is too sweet. Adorable pictures!
Luna, Luzie, Olli and Findus

wenn said...

oh..so cute!

Anonymous said...

awwwww...these pictures are so sweet.
Beautiful cats!!

Catherine said...

Sweet ~ it's so wonderful to have a helping hand... errr... tongue... :)

xo Catherine