Cats universally are good climbers except the fat ones and the handicapped.
EJ does not understand why the cats have to climb despite their handicap. Is it because they do not know or feel their handicap or do they need to prove that they are just as good?
Each time they get into mischief, EJ's heart either beats faster or skip a beat. EJ is terrified that the cats may hurt themselves unnecessarily.
One wonders will Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK's monovision enables him to gauge depth and distance as well as those with two good eyes.
EJ managed to snap these pictures which show that handicapped cats are just as mischievous as the normal.
EJ does not understand why the cats have to climb despite their handicap. Is it because they do not know or feel their handicap or do they need to prove that they are just as good?
Each time they get into mischief, EJ's heart either beats faster or skip a beat. EJ is terrified that the cats may hurt themselves unnecessarily.
One wonders will Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK's monovision enables him to gauge depth and distance as well as those with two good eyes.
EJ managed to snap these pictures which show that handicapped cats are just as mischievous as the normal.

Perhaps he wanted to test his ability or perhaps he wanted to show off that he is just as good despite having monovision.
What a hero! I love it when cats climb - they're the world's best acrobats!
Capt. Jack looks like Prudence, they can climb trees quickly and it fascinates me and my dogs couldn't catch her! You know the best part when they jump down to the ground and land with the four legs all at the same time. Nice pics!
It seems that cats overcome many things. My Peanut is about 23 pounds and he jumps and climbs a lot. It's just when he does if the path is not clear everything such as dishes and etc. go flying everywhere.
It is wonderful that you care for and love these cats with disabilities.
Wow, Capt. Jack is a great climber.
These are very active pictures today.
He looks like a twin of our neighbor cat Findus.
*Happy Tuesday*
He probably took himself for a circus cat, lol ! Good cat !
Rosie is still at the Vet. She probably has diabetis. Is there any hope ?
A grand adventure indeed!
Lol I am cringing just thinking of that screech he made with his claws. ;) Great pics.
Goodness! Good that he is still so active even with a handicap! Beautiful cat!
Jack got a quite balance :)
Very beautiful kitty.
He kind looks like my Amanda.
Awesome pictures of Jack! Not sure why kitties want to do some of the things they do but nothing seems to stop them from trying! Is it curiosity maybe? some kind of compulsive need? Not sure.
Good for him! It's great he tries to do things. I'm glad he has you to take care of him.
Sure Cats can climb.
The Cartoon with The Fire Brigade to help Cats down from Trees etc, does not match with our cats:
They are of the Manx Breed.
btw. I used to be a regular poster on COT for some years, but in the past only now and then.
Rosie is better thank you ! She must have had a stomac infection. Today she ate alone for the first time ! I am so glad !
:) Cats mah!!!
The world's greatest explorer!
and BEAUTIFUL cats :-)
((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=
That is an incredible adaptation to a handicap. It would have given me heart failure, though, to have seen him do this!
-Kim at Fuzzy Tales and Musings on a Small Life
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