23 February 2010

Beat It - the Heat

It rained heavily on Sunday evening with strong winds. EJ believes this was just convectional rain due to the intense heat in the morning and afternoon.

At home, the cats beat the heat their own way.

Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK preferred to lean against the grill nearest to the fan.

Tortie went inside the permanently-opened door cage to get the wind blast from all sides including from beneath him.

Tommy with ears pink from the heat slept on the small table top that received the direct fan blast.

Tanya was different. Much to EJ's exasperation, she preferred to rest on their specially-constructed toilet. Though without a fan in the catyard, with a tap above and the drainage pipe below, the tiles in their toilet are much cooler.

Without her front paws, Kenggy moves much slower than her roommates to get to prime spots so she usually just roll over, stick her forelimbs up and air her armpits.

These rainless hot days will end soon as Meteorogical Department reported that rain will come soon.


Ellen Whyte said...

Cute furry tummies! Consider them all squizzled.

Au is in bed, tummy up to the fan, and Target is on the sofa in the same posish. Cats. They really know how to get comfy.

Al said...

Aww poor kitties, they're just trying to find a way to beat the heat. The weather here is extremely hot, since El Nino has started. Kitties stays outside and often keep cool on their favorite place the sink or on top of the washing machine.

I like Tanya's photo,she looks so comfortable.


We love Luna said...

wow beautiful pictures.I see you all are very smart, it's better stay near the fan.
The weather there is so different from here.Cool!
Hugs, purrs and love

Happy TUESDAY!!!!

Kea said...

Aw, kitty kisses to them all. You can have some of our cool weather--we're still in the middle of winter here in Ontario, Canada, and after a mostly snowless season, we woke up to a real mess this morning, of rain and snow. Feel free to take it away!

Carla said...

When the cats are 'chilling' all is right with the world:)

Unknown said...

They are all adorable! Hope you get some cooling rain soon. :)

Ingrid said...

When I think that my cats almost crawl into the radiators to get some heat, lol ! I think our cats should do some weather exchanges !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We hope the weather cools off for you soon.
It looks like your cats are pretty smart though and know where to go to stay somewhat cool.


Annie Bear said...

Awww...what fun to see how all the kitties beat in the heat in their own ways.


Hello!The white cat is not mine.
Good blog!Beautiful cats.

Cindy said...

They all have their own ways of dealing with the heat!

wenn said...

love all the cute cats!

Irishcoda said...

These are all great ways to deal with the heat!

Ginger said...

What happened to Kenggy's paws????

Pam said...

Laying on the toilet doesn't look comfortable to me! : )
At our house the cats are trying to find ways to deal with the cold. Sassie enjoys lying on the heater.
I love their ways to beat the heat. Cute pictures!


Laying on their backs really helps them cool off but so do the stone
floors. I know some cats don't like
cooling fans either for the noise or the blowing air in their faces!
I hope it cools down a bit to give
them all some relief! :)

Andree said...

Poor kitties! I'm glad they are able to find cooler spots. And I'm glad that rain is coming soon. What beautiful cats!

lupie said...

You'd be receiving a petition for air-cond soon from your kitties ... all paws-signed! YES!


They look fluffy and lovely even with the heat! :))

Anya said...

I am happy to see you have a fan!!
Love your shots
so cute !!!!

((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=


Hello!Very clever cats.

Ydiana said...

These cates are very smart. During heat waves, they prefer to stay indoor where its cooler! I heard this will last sometime in April?

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

LOL...I love Kenggy's way of beating the heat....airing her armpits! :D