31 January 2012

Cinders is Better, Award Received and Thank You!

Both Kenggy and Pebble always stay nearby to keep Cinders company when she crawls in to rest in this bottom-most cubicle in the cat condo.

Last Saturday EJ felt a wave of panic when Cinders was not sleeping in her usual cubicle. She sleeps here because she cannot jump (arthritis suspected as well; part of her supplement has chitosan).

EJ went round looking and found her fast asleep on the podium where her roommates usually hang out. 

This meant that Cinders is feeling much better to be able to move up and down.

She has even started to clean and groom herself though a little clumsy and ungraceful but who cares as long as she is well enough to do it!

Oh, we received an award from our friends, Tillie and Georgia, Tiger,Treasure and JJ.
“Liebster” means dear, dearest, favorite or beloved in German.  
The requirements of receiving the award are to link back to who gave it to you, paste the Award on your blog, then choose 5 of your favorite blogs to pass the award on to that are up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers, let them know by leaving a comment on their blog and hope that the 5 blogs chosen will keep on spreading the love by passing the award on to 5 more blogs.

We are bending the rules of this award a wee bit and would like to give it to all our friends for visiting us and giving so many encouraging, comforting words and purrs. 
It's our way of saying 'Thank You'. So please don't be shy, just help yourself to this award.


Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, EJ, I'm so happy about Cinders. She really didn't seem well, and now she has surprised us all.
Lindy sends a gentle woof and her special puppy-purr.

Lindy and Kay,
Alberta, Canada

Ingrid said...

Happy to read good news ! It's a very good sign that Cinder grooms herself again ! Now she has to put on some weight !

Linens and Royals said...

Keep up the good work Cinders, pleased you are feeling much better.

Barbara said...

Hurrah for Cinders! So glad she's feeling better. xx

Lui said...

Oh I'm so glad for Cinders! She must be feeling OK now ;-)

Luna und Luzie said...

We are glad to read the good news about Cinders!!!
Sending some mor healing purrs !!!

Old Kitty said...

Sweet and beautiful Cinders! Me and Charlie are so so glad you are feeling better! Please rest and continue to get well! Yay!

Big hello to amazing Kenggy and Pebble!

Huge congratulations with your wonderful award!!

Take care

Irishcoda said...

I'm so glad to hear that Cinders is feeling better!

Sharon Wagner said...

And you and your dear kitties deserve a thankyou. For being such a great blog follower!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats on the nice award! I am so, so glad that Cinders is doing better!!!


Hello! I am also glad the Ginder is doing better!
Gongratulations for the award!

catsynth said...

Glad that Cinders is doing better. It's cute how Kenggy and Pebble keep her company :)

And thanks for stopping by and commenting on our Florida post.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Way to go, Cinders. Purrrrrring that she keeps getting better.

Katie Isabella said...

Concatulations on your award and much love to all the cats and Cinders..special love to you, sweet girl. xoxoxox

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

congratulations on your award and we are so happy that Cinders is feeling better!

Sorry we haven't been around for a few days but sometimes it is hard to get around to the OVER 300 blogs that we follow. We do our best. Plus we have been so busy at home, it is just extremely hard to keep up.
We are doing our best!

Ellen Whyte said...

How wonderful to hear Cinders is so much better. Terrific news! And concats on your award!

The Island Cats said...

We are glad that Cinders is feeling better!

Marie said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that Cinders is feeling better! I hope she continues to improve, she's just gorgeous! I do love tabby cats :-)

Visiting from Cats on Tuesday

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

So glad to hear Cinders is doing better. Concats on the award too.

Marg said...

WE are excited too that Cinders is feeling so much better. Good for her. Good girl Cinders. Take care.

Anonymous said...


meowmeowmans said...

Hooray! We are so glad to hear that Cinders is feeling better. :)

And concatulations on your great award!

Tracy said...

awwww, I am so glad to hear about Cinders...continued healing!!!

HH and The Boys said...

It's good to know that Cinders is feeling some better...

Congratulatios on the award...

pawhugs, Max

Arti said...

Happy for the cute little Cinders:)
And many Congrats on the award.
Have a nice day:)


Oh I am sooooo happy to hear that Cinders is feeling better.


nurul said...

hug and kisses to cinders... and the rest of her room mates. such a good girl. miss you ej!

i beati said...
