05 February 2012

Middle-Age Spread?

Winnie loves to rest on this top section of hooded litter pan. When the clips that held the top section to the bottom part broke, EJ decided to recycle it for the cats to play in rather than throwing it away. 
Does it look like Winnie is having her middle-age spread?
Though her age is a mystery, she has been with us for over 6 years and was already an adult when she came. This makes her at least above 7 years which means she is a senior cat.

To know how Winnie came to join us, please click here.


magiceye said...

heya winnie you look so cuddly :)

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pets forever

Kay L. Davies said...

She does look cuddly, doesn't she? Definitely not the skinny stray EJ first saved from the street.
So happy to see you happy, Winnie.
Love from Kay and Lindy

SquirrelQueen said...

I went over and read Winnie's story. After all she went through as a young cat it looks like she's enjoying the middle years. I think Winnie looks fluffy and somewhat miffed that a photo was taken of her tush.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Winnie nonostante la sua età è ancora un gran bel gatto !
Tanti baci e coccole :))
Buona domenica Myriam

Ingrid said...

Now, that's an original napping place ! I think I should collect photos of cats sleeping in the most impossible places ! Arthur last week slept besides a cooking pot on the oven !

Fuzzy Tales said...

Nothing wrong with a bit of "middle aged spread," Winnie. Makes you more cuddly. Well, so says Derry, even though he's not yet "middle aged." LOL.

Marg said...

Oh Winnie, we think you look Purrfect. Better to be a tiny bit wide than all skinny. We are just glad you have a happy home. You are just well fed. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Not to worry Winnie, we think you look great too! You know those humans don't have the best eyes!

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Winnie!! You are a most gorgeous girl - perfect in every way! Yay for you!! take care

Katie Isabella said...

You ARE perfect in every way, Sweetly feminine and gorgwous colors. xoxoxo

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Not middle aged spread just extra cuddly.. Hugs GJ xx

The Island Cats said...

Winnie looks pretty happy sitting on the lid.


Hello! Very clever cat!



We looked at this post...

Sharon Wagner said...

Last night my cat Hana sat on the top of the (closed) pizza box. It was still warm with some delicious people food inside. Smart girl.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that was a great idea to keep the top to play on!

Winnie doesn't have middle age spread, she is adorable!

meowmeowmans said...

We think you look just right, Winnie! :)

Lui said...

If Winnie is senior then Sweepy is super senior!

I think Winnie looks charmingly cuddly ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me too like to rest on the top of my hooded litterbox :)

We love LUNA said...

She is a doll and I think the important point is...the age is inside our heart, we are all kitties!
By the way, I think I'm also senior, if you think I'm 8 years old! =^.^=
big purrs

Kat said...

I;m so glad that Cinders is recovering and I beleive when cats start to groom themselves they are normally in good health. When the poor things are sick they dont even want to groom themselves.

Kat said...

Yes and Winnie looks great!

catsynth said...

Nice photo of Winnie. We liked revisiting her arrival story :)

Photo Cache said...

winnie looks so very sweet and cuddly, that's according to our mama who loves to cuddle.

emma and buster

Catherine said...

haha ~ I think winter does that to all of us ~ the dreaded spread. ;)

Well kitty still looks beautiful!
xo Catherine

Cindy Adkins said...

We think Winnie look beautiful and sweet. We would like to rub noses with her!! Purrs,
Buster, Rudy, Sam

Jacqueline said...

Winnie is a beautiful girl=we love her sweet face and those stunning eyes!...Happy day, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

GRAÇA said...

I wish you a good weekend and does not esquessa the fetografia for the draw
Turrinhas and good weekend
Kika ♥ ♥ ♥

i beati said...

wow great shape