20 January 2012

Slow Walking

Cinders vomited! She was miserable and weak. It was more than a week ago.

She refused to eat or drink. On top of that, she was behaving strangely. EJ promptly made an appointment with the vet for the next day.

Cinders lost 10 percent of her body weight which was not a good sign. After EJ explained her strange behaviour, her vet checked her thoroughly including her eyes. 

There is totally no vision in her right eye while her left eye could make out light and shadows. This explains Cinders' slow walk, plodding along walls as well as in circles. Her vet said there is nothing much we can do except to continue her usual medications/supplements, observe and make her as happy and comfortable as possible.

On reaching home, Cinders wanted to eat not the usual wet food but kibbles only. She even refused to eat her favourite steamed shredded chicken breast meat which EJ bought it raw from the wet market.

EJ laughed out loud when Cinders shoved her head into Kenggy's food bowl and started eating. Kenggy, shocked at that behaviour, just stood wide-eyeing Cinders munching away. (EJ do not know but love to visualise mentally that Kenggy's jaw dropped as well!)

Glutton Kenggy always do this to others and none has done this to her.

Cinders now has put on a bit of weight and EJ is keeping a close watch on her.


Kay L. Davies said...

I'm so glad you're keeping an eye on her EJ. I'd love to drop 10% or more of my weight, but it isn't good for a little cat like Cinders.
Luv, K

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Dolcissimo gatto :))
Mi piacerebbe molto poterlo coccolare !!!
Tante baci Myriam

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww me and Charlie are sending sweet Cinders extra hugs and purrs!! We hope she continues to eat! We hope she feels a little better too! Yay! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're sending purrs and "purrayers" to sweet Cinders, hoping she keeps eating.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

We think maybe Cinders is just adjusting to not being able to see well and will rebound and begin eating. Sending lots of purrs for her.

Thanks for stopping by with a suggestion for the mystery! It seems chickens cannot fly - they do very short trips up to a low tree branch but that is it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are all sending purrs to beautiful Cinders. We hope she keeps eating...whate ever she wants!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Keep eating little one and whatever your heart desires so long aas you eat.. Hugs GJ xx

The Lee County Clowder said...

There is some fight in the old kittie yet, it seems.

Hang in there, Cinders, theres lots more kibble to munch.

Purrrrrrss to Cinders & EJ, and maybe even a headbonk for Kenggy. She probably is gonna need a little time to accept Cinders in her bowl.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Poor Cinders. We had to laugh at her eating Kenggy's food.

Cat Mandu said...

Oh, Cinders.
I hope you are feeling better!
I can't imagine not eating!!

The Island Cats said...

Oh poor Cinders! We hope she is feeling better.

Catherine said...

Banjo and I send lots of love and good thoughts that sweet Cinders gets feeling better. Extra kisses and hugs! xoxoxox
xo Catherine & Banjo

Sweepy said...

Woof Cinders!
Go and get well!
If you must eat from Kenggy's or even EJ's bowl, DO IT!

Me loves you and hate to see you sick.

The Chair Speaks said...

Thank you all for sending purrs, kisses and hugs!

* Lee County Clowder
Cinders' almost 18, fragile but a real fighter. Surprisingly Kenggy never whacked Cinders but have hit others with her stubs like a human as she usually stands up to do it! Real cute!

* Sweepy - EJ eats vegetables only;
we don't like it as we prefer meat!

Lui said...

Hi EJ!
Sweepy eats some veggies too: mashed squash, potatoes, carrots, etc. but he likes chicken best.

I hope Cinders get well soon. Sumo, Sweepy's father, is also in a fasting mood now which worries me.

Ellen Whyte said...

We're purring for you. Poor Cinders!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Wishing you a prosperous, auspicious and joyous Year of the Dragon.

Ingrid said...

Poor thing, I hope she gets her appetite back and puts on some weight, she looks quiet miserable !
It takes a little while, but blind cats find their way rather quickly. My friend's cat became blind due to old age, but she managed to get around without problems, but always the same way.

CATachresis said...

Hello Speaking Chair, thank you for coming and leaving a comment at CATachresis :) I bet you see a lot from your vantage point!

I do hope Cinders is feeling better soon x

We love LUNA said...

Dear Cinders,
Glad that you are feeling better!You have a lovely mammy and she is taking good care of you. I'm sending you purrs!

Katie Isabella said...

Cinders darling, I beg you..PLEASE get better. You look so frail. xoxoxoxo always.

Marg said...

Oh Cinders, we are sorry you haven't been feeling well. Glad you found those kibbles to eat. We love our kibbles too. We sure are sending tons of special purrs to you Cinders that you can keep going. We know that EJ will take excellent care of you and give you lots of love. Thinking of you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Emma the kitty before us went blind when she was old but it didn't stop her going down the garden and climbing the fence! She did need assistance for getting down safely though. It is amazing how they adapt and of course their whiskers help.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wel done Cinders - show those man cats how it's done!

Purrfect Haven said...

gosh, good luck with the little dear, we are with you on this... Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

sm said...

beautiful catch

Jacqueline said...

We are so sorry to hear beautiful Cinders has been feeling poorly and are purring for her to have a speedy recovery...Also very sorry to learn of her eyesight issues...Best of luck, lovely girl=please keep eating!!...Happy weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki


Oh Cinders both you and I have to get better!

We haven't been around much lately. Thank you for your caring words on Abby.They are so appreciated at this time when the Mom is freaking out over her illness.

magiceye said...

take care cinders

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pets forever

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I hope that your pet recovers.


Hello! I hope she will Ok very soon...

Sylvia K said...

I'm glad Cinders is feeling better! No fun being sick!!

Sam Schnauzer

Karen and Gerard said...

Poor Cinders, sorry to hear this. I read the book "Homer's Odyssey," a true story about a very loveable and smart blind cat. Hopefully, Cinders will learn how to adjust quickly.

Mickey's Musings said...

WE are sending BIG purrs to Cinders. WE hope she keeps eating and can adjust to the blindness as well,

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

meowmeowmans said...

Big purrs and prayers for our friend Cinders. We hope she continues to eat, and that she will adjust to her lost eyesight.

Hugs to you all.

catsynth said...

Poor Cinders! We're sending lots of thoughts and purrs for her. We hope she adjusts to her near blindness and keeps eating.