EJ wonders if advancing age has something to do with being more tolerant?
This was taken a few years' ago when all were still in EJ's mom's house.
As usual Cinders was resting on her favourite mat when EJ, niece and nephew decided to have some fun.
A cardboard roll was carefully placed and balanced on Cinders' head between her ears.

Unfazed and unperturbed by it, she held her head unmoving till the cardboard roll slowly fell off, with more than enough time for EJ to get the camera to get this shot.
EJ is not sure whether it was Cinders' indifference attitude or tolerance due to her advancing age.

For more cat stories, please visit http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com here
Oh wow, that amazing! I'm gonna try that with Muning, you know with his age, he doesn't moves much.
Hello dear friends,
Cinders looks so easygoing there in her favourite place!It reminds me a "scratch"that I had in Brazil.I need to say that I agree with Cinders, it's comfortable! :)
HAve a nice Tuesday sweet friends,
Luna - We love Luna
Amazing !!!
Awwww Cinders is just a laid back sweetie!!! Me and Charlie love this pic!!
I had a kitty like her - I could dress him up and put stuff on his head and cuddle him to death and he would just go with it! He was lovely!! I think he would have gotten on with Cinders!!!
Take care
LOL, how cute! What an easy going attitude!
I really don't think advancing age is making Annie more tolerant. It's certainly doing nothing for me, rather having the opposite effect.LOL.
You could start a cat circus. Do your cats have fleas?
Total cuteness!!!!!!!!
Awww...what a sweetheart Cinders is. I'm not sure that Lucy is more tolerant with age. She still has her fiesty streak a mile long but she is lazier.
:) Hehehehe ...
Amazing that you managed to capture Cinder's cutie moment! :)
I thought older cats are grumpy!
That's so cute! I think her dignity did not allow her to show emotion!
I am sure Abby would let me do this. She just does get perturbed by things like that.The other cats cant stand even to have a feather laid on top of them. I believe it's in the personality...
Abby's Mom
Cinders is so well-balanced!
Did you have to pay a huge bribe in treats?
That is so great. I don't think we have a cat here that would let us do that. I think it is just a patient cat and a very good one too.
Have a great day.
I was just being silly. Thinking your cat could be part of a flea circus. Ha!
you know what, your Cinders sounds so much like my son Rizal's cat, Pixel. He too would just keep still and allow whichever humans to use him as whatever they want. My grand daughter often sits on him (she's 2+), pummels him, uses him as a racetrack for her cars - but he is so patient.
what happen with cinders on the 1st photo??ha ha, so cute...btw, i replied your comment on my last entry...check this out...
thx for visiting Hero...i'm thinking now how am i supposed to do with his front leg....can you share with your friends which has experience on this??TQ
Wow! That is one seriously tolerant kitty!
Hahaha ! that's too funny ! When Arthur sleeps I can put everything on or around him, he doesn't care.
I don't know why I missed your post, you are not the only one, sometimes the comment emails don't arrive in my gmail.
Soooo funny! This reminds me of my sis and I trying to balance all manner of things on Pixel's head and back.
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