02 March 2010

H2O is Cool

The hottest and driest period in our country is usually the months from January to March.

Reports from our Meteorological Department says that this year 2010 being an El Nino year, the heat may stretch a little longer.

Besides using the fan to ventilate the air, EJ bathes the cats to help them cool off.

Tommy here seems to enjoy his bath with no struggles or squeals of protests.

Another way of cooling down, the drastic way following Nature's Law, would be taking the fur coat off the cats.

This is exactly what is happening to Winnie. She is shedding fur, on her bottom half of her body. From the front, she looks normal but from behind, she looks a bit naked.

EJ tackle the heat by taking cold water showers, at times even at midnight though friends have advised that midnight cold water showers may lead to rheumatism.

On the bright side, shall we consider this heat as getting free saunas?


Al said...

You're giving Tommy a bath without any resistance? Boy...he is one cool kitty! I wanted to give my cats a bath but they ran as fast as they can as soon as they see me holding a towel.


Ingrid said...

As I and my cats are still freezing and today we even have -2°C but sunshine, it sounds so strange to us that your "suffer" from heat ! Lisa should move in with you because he stucks against the radiator and can't get heat enough for her old bones !

We love Luna said...

Ohmigod,Tommy is taking a bath, a real one!Amazing picture!
I'm happy that he liked it!
Here is still cold but we have some beautiful sun, I'm so happy!I'm dreaming about Spring!
Wonderful post dear friends, enjoy your Tuesday!

Kea said...

We guess that no matter where you live, there are always weather-related issues. We hope everyone is able to stay as cool as possible. Here in Ontario, it's still winter of course! We could use a few degrees of your heat.

Cindy said...

No perfect weather, is there, till we get to Heaven. Tommy is doing well with his bath.

Ashkarya said...

My sister's cats started shedding the moment she brought them home from US. One of them is now permanently semi-bald.

Carla said...

Too funny!! I both admire and find Winnie just too funny!

wenn said...

wow, nice cool bath for the cat!

Unknown said...

I feel for you! After the unusually cold winter we have had we are all ready for warmer temps (even though we will complain when it hits the 90's and above lol.) Winnie looks adorable with that 'do!

Marg said...

It does sound funny talking about hot temperatures. What a good kitty to let you bathe him. We love the name of your blog.This is our first visit and we like your blog a lot. Thanks for visiting our blog.

Annie Bear said...

I hope you all can stay cool! I can't believe Tommy! Wow!


Good kitty, you look like your enjoying your bath. I love that belly shot it is so cute! :)

TorAa said...

The warmest periode of year,
here is opposite:
Not a single day with temperatures above freezing point.
Our Cats refuses to go outside.

I understand why you need to help them to get rid of some fur when it's so hot.
Hve a hreat week

Andree said...

I wouldn't worry about midnight showers at all. I'm glad the cats are able to cool off. Wonderful post.

lupie said...

Funny! Winnie looks so "botak" on her belly! :)

The hot spell is driving the humans and cats mad!!!!!

Ginger said...

Love the picture of Tommy with the bath. I had ONE cat who loved baths and would even let me blow dry her hair. I had her in my teens and twenties. She had gorgeous long hair and was tortoise shell color.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We are sorry that it is so hot. We never take baths but we did have a cat who isn't living now, but he loved showers.
Very cute pictures.

Little Sunshines

Becky said...

I never tried giving a cat a bath. I don't think I have enough nerve. LOL Yours looks quite content though.

Brenda Eason said...

Awww I so wished my cat would be that sweet for a bath. When he was small I could do this,but no more. Thanks for stopping by.


lovely cats

Anya said...

I hope you stay cool all :-)
Lovely to see you when you receive a cooling down !!!!

((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=

Irishcoda said...

Gosh I wish the gang would be easy to bathe! Amber could use a nice shave but I hate to do that to her. She has alopecia on her belly and was on her hind legs too but that's been growing back.

Reanaclaire said...

hello..greetings from IPOH.. today is very hot! super hot i can say..


Very beautiful cats

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

It must be hot - they are lettingyou bathe them! Thanks for coming by for the birthday party!

Ellen Whyte said...

Tommy looks so happy; must be part tiger!

A thought about Winnie; she may have fleas or a skin condition.




Very lovely cats

The Chair Speaks said...

Thank you all for your comments.
We are now getting thunderstorms in the evening but the air is still hot and muggy.

Thank you KatzTales for your concern about Winnie. Her vet says her fur loss is due to excessive licking. Licking cools a cat off in hot weather. Other cats especially Tommy licks her too.

Winnie is also an extremely timid cat and thus easily stressed. Stress can also cause excessive licking. She and her housemates are flea free.

Puss-in-Boots said...

We are having rain, storms, floods and more rain. Some of our outback towns have had the most rain for over 100 years, but people have lost so much. It's the big wet with a vengeance.

I used to have my long haired cat clipped and he would run around like a kitten with a new lease on life. He loved it. I did that because there was no way I could bathe him. My skin would have been shredded.

Thanks for commenting.