An ex-colleague gave EJ a soft toy.
What EJ saw was not a soft toy but bootees for Kenggy. And EJ was promptly given a second similar soft toy when the idea was made known as Kenggy do not have two front paws.
EJ got down to work, cutting the boot off and trimming it a bit.
What EJ saw was not a soft toy but bootees for Kenggy. And EJ was promptly given a second similar soft toy when the idea was made known as Kenggy do not have two front paws.
EJ got down to work, cutting the boot off and trimming it a bit.

Not giving up easily, EJ tried a few times but could not convince the adamant Kenggy in accepting to wearing it.
So now these toys and the cut-out boot sit on the shelf as a symbol of an ex-colleague's friendship as well as non-acceptance of EJ's brilliant plans to shoe Kenggy!
Kenggy prefers and happily moves around as nature meant her to be.
Well, EJ had good intentions, actually, creative intentions too. Those little toys are so cute. I guess Kenggy would rather the boots sit on the shelf instead of her. It was still a good idea! She sure is a pretty girl. :)
Silly pictures; Kenggy is a very beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Cute toys! I think he wants to play with it! :)
Happy Tuesday!
purrs and love
We'd rather be bootie-free, as nature intended, too! :-)
It was a very clever idea! Happy COT. :)
It was a real great idea, but apparently Kenggy thinks it's not necessary, it looked so cute ! But the most important is that she can walk, with or without shoes !
How funny! I'm with Kenggy...I hate shoes, too :-)
We sure wouldn't wear any shoes. We would do the same thing that you did, just toss those babies. But it was a cute idea. Have a great day.
We love your spunk and love of life. YOU are what we should all aspire to be....and Bless you EJ for taking in these beautiful babies...
Kenggy, you are such a sweetie!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
Lol!!! We try to help, but Nature knows better:)
I think that I would not like shoes either.. ove the pictures.. Hugs GJ x
Great idea but cats just do not like shoes or booties, lol. It's kind of like watching them walk in snow when they're not used to it. Step step, shake shake, step step, shake shake.
Cute toys!We would not like to wear shoes too but they looks sweet!
Beautiful toys.
You have a priceless friend in EJ. Truly a gift to have someone that generous in your life. Sometimes we just need to accept what our kitties tell us they want to do. Kenggy is stunning.
MOL. Good try! We don't like to wear shoes, either!
Cute toys.
Kenjjy is beautiful as is.
What a kind thing to do for a kitty,
I am sorry it did not work out!
We ♥ Kenggy, the brave kitty! :)
It was a nice thought that EJ had.
Kenggy had different ideas. It is wonderful that she can walk even though she doesn't have her front paws. I think she is just beautiful.
tHE gray cat has not any toys.Its toy is tree.
Kenggy looks so adorable with the little boot! :)
But, cats being the 'higher kind' will not adhere to what we silly humans have in mind! :)
Hugs to Kenggy - she is lucky to have you (she will be thinking it is the other way around - cats, again, being the 'higher kind')
Beautiful cat.
Love your new toys
Looks very cool .....
Enjoy your sunday :-)
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Thanks for the explanation of my strange plant. Never have heard of a Pitcher Plant !
Interesting story.
*grin*, very cute. Momma jokes around about making booties for us Ballicai, but we probably wouldn't wear them. :)
I'd hate to try and get something like that on my cats' feet. They would not be impressed...
I had never tried!
Well, you tried, but I think Kenggy knows better :-)
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