01 March 2011

Imaginary Foe?

The saying goes 'Curiosity killed the cat'. This does not apply in our home.

Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK, though timid, is one very curious cat and a busybody. He never fails to check out new things or stuff that fancies him.

Somehow there is this EJ's favourite old, very comfortable apple-green drawstring pants that seems to irk Captain Jack. Each time EJ wears it, Captain Jack would stand up fully stretched to claw the pants down or fight with its drawstring. So far the pants held up and has never gone down, luckily.

Captain Jack eyeballing the imaginary foe...
...and whack...
...whack, whack...
...sniff, sniff. Still alive?
Whack, whack, whack!

For more cat stories, please visit http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com


Linens and Royals said...

Maybe you need to put elastic in the waist of the pants, but then that would take away all the cat fun.

T said...

you are so sweet! do you only have one eyeball?

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Grande combattente !!!!
Buona giornata :)

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

hahaha....that's so cute!! Blackie's imaginary foe is the wrist strap on the camera, while Yin's is the strap on the handphone. Maybe there should be a whacking contest to see who amongst the three manages to kill the imaginary foe and emerges the hero! :)

nurul said...

ohh how cute! i had a good laugh in the office :D miss u and all the cats, ej!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is so cute and adorable you are!!

Kay L. Davies said...

A good battle for swashbuckling Cap'n Jack, and lots of fun for you. A bonding experience. LOL
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Regina said...

What a sweet boy! Cute photos!! My old gray is blind in one eye. He's had many battles but is winding down now.
Wishing you a wonderful week~

Mr Puddy said...

Captain Jack Sparrow HAWK, I do understand you completely ! I like to play with simple thing too...Anything can be our toy : )

With drawstring of the pant, You do Whack Whack ! I do bite till it tear apart and believe or not ? It's green pant !!!


Lesson for Human : Never buy green pant ever again otherwise you have to sacrify : )

Barbara said...

LOL! Nice one Captain Jack!

We love LUNA said...

Wow this set of picture is awesome, Captain Jack Sparrow is enjoying a lot this game, so much imagination, it's a wonderful time!

Al said...

hahaha how cute! Jack reminded me of my the new kitty Cole, he do a lot of that, playing with his toy fillings and I always enjoy watching him, he makes me laugh at times.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for Captain Jack Sparrow Hawk!!! He is one determined kitty!!! yay!

Take care

Kea said...

What a great series of photos!

You know the rest of that expression, right? Curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought him back! :-)

The Monkeys said...

So adorable! We think that might hurt a bit if he gets his claws in though!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Looks like you have found a very fun thing to play with. I think that is an imaginary snake for you. Enjoy but be careful where you put your claws mol.. Hugs GJ xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Captain Jack...I am so impressed with your strength and valor. ♥♥

Sandy Kessler said...


wenn said...

haha..look at its eyes!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Anytime is right for a whap attack!

Ingrid said...

Hahahaha ! a striptease assistant ! Apparently he still sees enough even with only one eye !


Captain Jack
YOU are an excellent whapper!


Tracy said...

Ohhh, those photos are too cute and goodness, he was determined to get that thing...

Mekkan said...

Such an adorable fighter! What a happy life he lives!

Ginger said...

Funny story in pictures

Annie Bear said...

Kill those evil pants, Captain Jack! Great action shots. I like your whacking style!

Sh@s said...

Cute pics. I liked his name. Am loving the new greeny look of your blog.


Hello! Very cute!

Sweepy said...

Captain Jack RULES!
Go get em, CJSH!

OKcats said...

Captain Jack, we think you are a little bit silly. But we love you!!!

Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe

lupie said...

Captain Jack - Atttacckkkkk!! hehehehe!!

Noll's Nip said...

You can never be sure of drawstrings so you should always greet them with a WHAP!