22 March 2011

Cinders' Turn

When everything seemed to go well, Cinders took a turn for the worse end of last week.

There were spots of blood in her urine again and she refused to eat.

The visit to her vet last Sunday morning showed that her white blood cells were high indicating infection but without a temperature. She lost weight and is now getting anorexic.

(This photo was taken in late February. Cinders is much thinner now.)

Antibiotics, appetite stimulants, vitamins and Cystaid were prescribed. 'Assisted Feeding' was recommended to prevent her from losing more weight.

The term 'Assisted Feeding' is preferred as the cat is helped to eat, not forced though the cat may disagree. 'Assisted Feeding' refers to finger feeding or syringe feeding. EJ is using both methods. But still Cinders is not eating enough as more energy is used up during sickness. EJ is trying very hard to coax her to eat.

Cinders howls a lot lately. Other cats sort of avoid her but not good-natured Tommy. Good old Tommy keeps her company by squatting beside her and gives encouraging support with cleaning licks.

EJ is keeping an eye on Tommy too as he has not recover fully.

For more cat stories, please visit http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com


Debra Taylor said...

I am praying Cinders can be recovering fully very soon. She looks so sweet.

For all the folks reading this, (human ‘beans and kitties too) my blog has posts which are helpful for cat caretakers everywhere.

All you be sure to stay well!



Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope Cinders takes a turn for the better now so she can get well. Purrs and tail wags for her.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Oh Cinders,
non sò se sono riuscita a tradurre, on-line, bene ciò che hai scritto, ma spero che il tuo gatto riesca presto a guarire !!!
Dolcissima questa foto !

ManekiNeko said...

My heart goes out to both of you, EJ and Cinders. I hope Cinders is at least not in pain. Big hugs...

cazzycazz said...

Cinders get well soon, we are sending our purryers over for your speedy recovery....

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Cinders! We're purring she gets well again soon. And that you aren't too upset by all this.

Mr Puddy said...

I'm praying and purring for Cinder to eat more !
EJ, Mommy really want to help but she think you know better than her. She searched in internet for some tips. It might be something else Ej can try. She add up the link here. EJ might want to have a look.

What to Do If Your Sick Cat Won’t Eat
How to get your cat to eat

Hugs and Purrs
Puddy and Mom Boom

Linens and Royals said...

Please eat and get well soon Cinders so E.J doesn't have to worry so much.

Ashkarya said...

Oh nooo!!! Get well soon!

HH and The Boys said...

Ohhhhh. Sending good thoughts that Cinders will be doing better soon.

pawhugs, Max

Old Kitty said...

Oh no. Beautiful Cinders. :-( Me and Charlie are sending her tons and tons of purrs and hugs. We are very very sad to hear she is so unwell. We hope she rallies. Hugs and much love sweet Cinders.

And Tommy too. Poor sweetie!! :-(

Take care

We love LUNA said...

Poor Cinders!I'm sending love and purrs to her.
Please dear Cinders, we all love you so much, you need to eat!

Kea said...

We're sending our loudest purrs to both Cinders and Tommy, purraying that both will be okay.

-Fuzzy Tales

Catherine said...

Poor sweet kitty!

Sending extra hugs and love today!
xo Catherine & Banjo

OKcats said...

I'm so sorry sweet Cinders isn't doing well. It's so hard to watch them like that. Sending you hugs through this hard time.

Sharon Wagner said...

Poor Cinders. Get well soon little guy.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry to hear that Cinders is not doing well. It is so upsetting when you see them getting thinner and weaker. We hope Tommy recovers further.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid said...

What sad news about Cinders. If it's an infection the antibiotics will help. Rosie not long ago had such signs too, it was terrible. I already thought it was the end.
You are really not lucky for the moment,when one gets better the next starts ! I wish you all the best ! and keep my fingers crossed !

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am praying that she is not in a lot of pain. If she is howling, she might be.
Sending prayers and purrs your way

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sistrs and I are purring for you sweetest Cinders!


Get well soon little guy!!! I hope everything will OK!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Cinders, we are so sorry that you are sick.
Mom had to help Mickey eat when he lost his appetite.
We will send you our best healing purrs!!
Purrs Tillie & Georgia

Kat said...

I do hope Cinders get well soon. It must be really worrying for you too, so keep your chin up! he gets I'll pray that she gets well

Luna und Luzie said...

Poor Cinder!
We hope so much she gets well soon.
Sending lots of healing purrs

purr purr purrrrrrrr

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are still purring for Cinders. Bless Tommy for sitcking by her!


Purrs for Cinders....


i beati said...

oh Cinders tonight i fear for you and pray for you ....

The Lee County Clowder said...

Sending purrrrs and purrrrayers to Cinders. (and a headbutt to Tommy for comforting her)