Our human stopped immediately on hearing something scampering beside the path and looked around.
It was not easy to know what it was. Our human felt being watched and continued eyeing around while standing absolutely still.
And then saw it!
Our human whispered, "Hey, beautiful, I want to take your photo. Can you pose for me please?"
Previously down, it slowly curled its tail up.
Can you see it was also sizing up our human?
Oh wow, what a delightful selfie. Such a joy that they pose for you, and that you have time and patience to stop and observe.
Hari Om
Excellent posing, that lizard! Nice shot, that human! YAM xx
You paused, he paused. You shared a moment together, how beautiful.
What a cutie!!!
Great shot.
That little one sure did a great job of posing for your human!
Wow this is so awesome!! Thank you for sharing.
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