29 December 2024

Morning SunBurst to 2025

Few days ago after a night of rain, our human got up early for morning walk and saw this at the start of the hike.
Using the cheap android cellphone, our human quickly captured this rare moment to wish you all
Good Health, Wealth, and Endless Blessings in the New Year ahead!

15 December 2024

Lean On Me

Last month our human noticed this dead tree with a split trunk and will look at it whenever remembered passing by.
There were times our human stood at the base and stared, wondering how it still stands when you can see through the split trunk above.
It was then our human realised the dead tree was leaning upright on the adjacent tree and now wondered how long it will hold.

08 December 2024

Monkey Visit

We are experiencing daily rainy days as it is monsoon season now.
After morning walks, our human had to rid the mud stuck to the shoe soles. Sometimes our human will pick up a small twig to scrap the mud off but most time to shorten the cleaning process, our humanl just clap the two soles together though it does not clean as efficient.
You know there are times when you felt being watched. Our human looked up and saw these two inquisitive monkeys looking and then came lower down to have a closer look. The rest of the troop were further up the tree.
An amused fellow hiker walked over to ask what our human and the monkeys were chatting about.
On seeing that hiker coming nearer, the monkeys scampered up and quickly moved on to other trees.
Our human could not snap the whole troop using the cellphone but there were eight in this picture.
Can you see them?
Now, our human wonders if these monkeys recognise our human?

01 December 2024

Chameleon Forest Dragon

Our human stopped immediately on hearing something scampering beside the path and looked around.
It was not easy to know what it was. Our human felt being watched and continued eyeing around while standing absolutely still.
And then saw it!
Our human whispered, "Hey, beautiful, I want to take your photo. Can you pose for me please?"
Previously down, it slowly curled its tail up.
Can you see it was also sizing up our human?