29 September 2024

Beautiful Monkeys/Langurs!

One early morning last week during the walk, our human was lucky to meet a troop of monkeys, probably a family.
These are dusky leaf monkeys, also known as Spectacled Langurs.
The brave one was in front while the others hid behind branches and leaves.
So happy to see them, our human stood still not moving a muscle and only looked up smiling (not grinning broadly for fear that it may be interpreted as a threat).
That brave one came down close to look, so close that our human could touch its long tail; still our human never moved.
It then leaped on to the next tree. One by one the rest of the troop leapt over our human sprinkling leaves, bits of bark and other stuff in the process.
Meeting them made our human's day!


Erin the Cat Princess said...

How wonderful! Blessings sprinkled from above are magical. Being at one with nature, even standing still for a just a few minutes, is kind of wonderful.
Have a wonderful and nature filled week.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Nothing beats meeting other life face to face! YAM xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think meeting them would make my day too!

pilch92 said...

Nice photos.