28 July 2024


Vines climb, sometimes beautifully and artfully.
During morning walks, at times our human seek them out to appreciate their artistic climbs.
Tightly twisted like rope.
Beautiful loops.
An old vine covered with green lichen with our human's shoe for comparison. Our human saw this about 15 years ago and visits it off and on. It is off the path and our human is not telling where.

PS: Update on 'Lost Soul'!
On way home walking downhill, our human heard some noise behind and turned round. A pack of stray dogs was following. Among them, one dog had that 'Lost Soul' in his mouth. With that in his mouth, that dog trotted happily like he had the most treasured toy in the world. Our human wanted to capture that scene but by the time the handphone was taken out and camera mode switched on, 'Lost Soul' was no where to be seen.
Perhaps that dog could sense our human's intention and hid it!


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Ah, the sole found a purpose! Vines can be amazing can't they? YAM xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those twisted vines sure are amazing!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs the lost soul now has a soul mate. What a cute story...I surely hope the dogs have somewhere safe.
What a timely post I've been weed eating ivy today. It has been so hot here and has gotten out of control

Thank you for your kind comments on Harper. She (and her older sibllinlgs)were all adopted from Island Rescue. Harper was adopted in Oct 2023, she was estimated to be 4-6 months old. She is sweet and loving too
Hugs Cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

I like walks where unusual things can be found--- such as the ones you showed us. I really enjoyed those I wish you could have been swift enough to capture the dog with his sole!

The Island Cats said...

Nature can be so amazing!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

So sweet! How wonderful that dog found such joy with his new toy.

meowmeowmans said...

We love those varied and amazing vines! And what a special story about the lost sole. It is great that it became a new toy for that doggy. :)