10 December 2023

Hello, Good Bye, Mr WhiteBeard

One beautiful early morning on 4th June 2019, (yes, it was that long ago; the date was noted down) our human walked out to the porch and in front of the gate was this scrawny cat!
It kept looking at our human with such loving eyes; you know how cats slow-blink or narrow their eyes to say, "I love you".
Immediately the name "Mr WhiteBeard" struck and stuck on our human's mind. He was such a distinguished-looking and handsome man with his white moustache, beard and tuxedo coat, and our human kept imagining him in his healthy handsome youth!
Our human loved to but dared not touch as he had numerous bald patches for fear that its infection could possibly be transferred and passed on to the house kitties.
That cat sat on the same spot the next few mornings and our human would talk briefly and exchanged eye-blinks.
A week later, our human needed to run some errands, drove out in the old car and right in front in the middle of the road (dead-end road where only residents of ten houses use) was Mr WhiteBeard sauntering ever so slowly. Naturally our human inched the car forward following Mr WhiteBeard much to the amusement of construction workers who were in the midst of house renovations a few doors away. All stopped working and with huge grins on their faces, they kept looking back and forth between our human and Mr WhiteBeard.
Well, it did take a bit of time till Mr WhiteBeard slowly entered through the gate of the first house.
Then a week later, one morning after the previous night's heavy downpour our human saw a black and white cat lying in the middle of the road in front of the first house and guessed it was Mr WhiteBeard. Our human did not want to go out to check. 
Mr WhiteBeard never visited since then; our human still think of him.


Zoolatry said...

We do so often, and rightfully so, treasure the memories of those little ones who pass briefly through our lives, but leave an impression forever. Rest well, Mr. Whitebeard.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What a fond memory to have - and Mr Whitebeard now lives on with this memorial! YAM xx

catladymac said...

Mr Whitebeard was certainly a handsome cat. We are glad he knew some kindness from your human before he was called Over the Bridge.

meowmeowmans said...

Mr. Whitebeard sounds like a wonderful dude. We are grateful that your human was so kind to hime while he was here on Earth. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a sad thing that happened to that sweetheart.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

This is heartbreaking :( What a precious little sweetheart.