20 August 2023

Memories and Thanks for Kind Thoughts

Our human received from brother some photos of a visiting baby racoon at the backyard.
It had an inquisitive look that reminded our human of late Winnie.
To be honest, our human still could not clear Winnie's things or clear both MeowRoom and MeowYard, and left them as is. Perhaps more time is needed.
But our human is trying the very best to fill that emptiness by making new friends and will certainly let you all know about them.
Terry of brianshomeblog.com emailed the picture of a lovely memorial graphic of Winnie made by Ann from Zoolatry. 
Thank you both so very much.
And thank you all for your kind thoughts.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, Chair, it is wonderful to see you posting - and the graphic of Winnie is very elegant. Sending lots of Love and Light to your human's aching heart. When it's time for a new feline friend to enter your home, we look forward to reading about it. Till then, take care. Hugs and wishes, YAM-aunty xxx

Erin the Cat Princess said...

In the Buddhist way, it is good to leave the food bowls etc., of a loved companion out whilst they find their new body. 49 days it seems, after which the soul will have left the bardo state. Following in Buddhism or not, it seems good to have that time to remember and celebrate, and then a time to move on. Winnie was dearly loved by all, a special feline who had a special family and global family.
Ann creates such lovely images to celebrate with.

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you so much for posting, and for letting us all know how you are doing. Winnie was so special, and we are sending lots of purrs her way always.

catladymac said...

Take all the time you need to mourn Winnie. Weall loved her too.

The Island Cats said...

Most of us have walked in your shoes. Take whatever time you need…it’s never easy losing a precious furbaby. Purrs and hugs.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

She was a precious little angel, loved by so many. Take all the time you need. We all understand.