17 July 2017

Value of Safe House

Our human procrastinated again! We meowed so loud to get our human moving, with feet dragging heavily.

Well, our human did put in new bedding in the Duplex and Captain Jack promptly crawled in. And good timing too. There was this long, heavy thunderstorm. That was not all. Someone threw in some fireworks as well.

And as you know stress can cause some cats to have UTI (urinary tract infection), stones in the bladder included. Captain Jack passed them out with a little blood though he is on special diet. It can be seen clearly here as no cat litter was used.
So the Duplex doubles as the Safe House.


Mr Puddy said...

Oh noooo good ! I send lots of purrs & prayers for you, Captain Jack !
Hug to E.J.

Mickey's Musings said...

Poor Captain Jack :(
We do not like big,loud noises either.
It is a good thing he had that duplex to go in and hide.
We purr he is feeling better.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ouchies Cap'n Jack... Bangs and pops are no fun eh? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

Marg said...

Oh Cap'n Jack, we so hope you feel better really soon.Those loud noises are no fun at all. You all have a wonderful day.

magiceye said...

I hate those firecrackers too!



Big purrs to your Cap'n Jack!

catladymac said...

Oh Jack - hopefully the firecrackers are over for awhile ! We cab't guarantee about the T-Storms !

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh Captain Jack, purrs from all of us pal. We sure hope you feel all better super soon.

Ingrid said...

Why must humans be so noisy ?? Arthur too is afraid of firework or thunderstorms. The others don't care !

Annie Bear said...

Captain Jack, you poor thing. I'm sure that was very painful. :( I really hope those firecrackers have stopped. Purrs and hugs to you.

The Island Cats said...

Ouch! Captain Jack, we're sorry you had to go through that! Hopefully, things will quiet down now.

pilch92 said...

Sorry you had to go through that, poor kitty.

Katie Isabella said...

Captain Jack...my human said her heart hurts for you. That must have been terribly painful. May that never happen ever ever again.

meowmeowmans said...

Captain Jack, we are so sorry! We send prayers and purrs that you are all better soon!