22 February 2011

Loving It to Bits

Kenggy has a favourite toy. It's an old battered cheap two-dollar hedgehog soft toy from Ikea.

She doesn't play like a normal cat does. Without both front paws, Kenggy cannot claw any make-believe 'prey' or chase after it.

She plays in her own unique way. Standing up kangaroo-style, Kenggy would toss the toy in the air and tries to catch it with her stubs. It is such a cute sight when she uses her best weapon, her teeth, to attack the 'prey' standing up looking like a giant obese squirrel.

Lying down, she does side rolls while holding on to the 'prey' biting and using her powerful hind legs to kick much like a crocodile thrashing in the water. 

The very battered hedgehog. It's loved to bits, literally.

For more cat stories, please visit http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com


Mr Puddy said...

MOL...Kengy, Your hedehog is in Coma and he need to go ICU !!!


We love LUNA said...

hehehe no chances for this toy!
You are adorable, I'm enchanted by your story and this picture is cute!
purrs and love

HH and The Boys said...

That hedgehog looks well-loved.

pawhugs, Max

ManekiNeko said...

Kenggy must be so pleased! No front paws and still she has been able to kill a hedgehog -- and a Swedish Ikea hedgehog, no less!

Much as we love them, we must acknowledge that our cats are ruthless killers. Do you think Kenggy would like a squeaky plush mouse? It would talk back to her as she attacked it with her kangaroo hind legs. :-) Let me know when we next meet for lunch, ya?

sm said...


Old Kitty said...

Awwww wonderful and beautiful Kenggy!!! You are a fierce kitty!! You show that hedgehog whose boss!! Yay!! Take care

The Monkeys said...

Kengy, we can see how very much you love your hedgehog!!

Luna und Luzie said...

Kenggy you looks like you have a lot of fun with the hedgehoggy

Unknown said...

Such a fierce picture of you Kenggy! Happy COT. :)

Ingrid said...

How very touching and so cute how she handles her handicap and enjoys playing with Ikea monsters like all cats ! Rosie has a turtle, lol !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Kenggy is a wonderful example of accepting her handicap and not letting it stop her from having a great life. I know I say this everytime I see her, but again I think she is so beautiful!!

catsynth said...

That is so cute. She seems to not let her disability get in the way of having fun with her favorite toy!

Tracy said...

Awww, so sweet! I love watching Angel-Kitty play; aren't they just so cute? I tell you, there is nothing like a cat....

Hurricane has a toy similar to that and it kinda looks as bad as him; my husband calls him 'Road-Kill' I think it is appropriately named!

Annie Bear said...

What a sweet girl Kenggy is to play so well in spite of her handicap.

"looking like a giant obese squirrel"

Barbara said...

That hedgehog is definitely dead! What a lovely cat, and such a character.


Very interesting and beautiful toy!


Beautiful photos!


I think I did not use the zoom in the last photo in my blog.

Linens and Royals said...

You are an amazing cat Kenggy. Who needs front paws with your determination and a great toy?

Admiral Hestorb said...

Sweetheart...you are tough and fierce. We admire you.

Ellen Whyte said...

Old toys are the best! This looks very loved.

Au is eating 3 times as much as he was on Monday. This FIV miracle drug he's testing seems to be working. We're over the moon!


you are such a beauty and you are having such fun with your special toy. We would love to see a video of you playing. We bet it is adorable to watch you.


Al said...

Hahaha how cute! Kenggy reminds of my new kitty, sits like a kangaroo!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC I am sorry but I am laughing so hard at what Mr.Puddy said that I can't stand it! xoxoxo

Kat said...

Kenggy is such a lovely girl! I admire her and how she copes with her disability.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Looks like lots of fun!

Marie said...

Awww, Kenggy is so cute -- and I love her little hedgehog toy. Every kitty should have a favorite, much loved toy!

Do come visit us this week for Cats on Tuesday -- MacKayla the Empress is really excited about finally having a post about her :-)

Arti said...

Kengy looks adorable... Very cute, the pics do tell a story!
Have a wonderful day:-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are delighted to see that Kengy's handicap does not stop playtime. The hedgehog is obviously a good toy to practice fighting skills on.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Lui said...

Kenggy RULES!
I should tell Sweepy about this!

i beati said...

so dear to me