23 February 2025

Scorpion Sighting

Last week on one of the morning walks, our human came across a rather depressing sight, a dead scorpion.
With one of its claws detached, you could not help wondering what could have possibly happened. Was it attacked by a wild animal or human?
It brought back memories of the first encounter a few years back.
Scorpions are sensitive creatures.
Sensing human, it raised its tail and claws in defence. Our human stood absolutely still, took out the cellphone with utter slow movements to snap this picture.
After a short while, that scorpion turned and scurried down the gulley.
Few weeks later, that area was bulldozed and our human did not know whether the scorpion survived or not.

09 February 2025

Hanging Out on the Branches

It was raining. Our human could not go for morning walk and kept gazing at the hill.
Something interesting nearby caught our human's eyes and realised that those on the branches were not leaves but birds resting on the branches so exposed to the rain.

02 February 2025

Dog Treats for Turtle?

There are times when our human carry vegetables during morning walks for turtles just in case and always a small pouch of dog treats for strays.
Each time our human carried vegetables, the turtles never appeared.
Last week our human happened to meet this dirt-covered hungry turtle devouring what looked like either a dead slug or dead body of a snail and figured that it could possibly eat dog treats too.
A cube of soft dog treat was taken out and carefully placed near its mouth.
Our human was surprised that it ate with such gusto that a few more was given.
Confirmed with the vet that turtles can eat dog treats but not too much.
Our human still carry vegetables but no luck in meeting turtles since.
Oh well, they can eat dog treats then.