A female stray cat made itself at home at the house porch of our human's brother. Not wanting it to give birth repeatedly, it was sent to be spayed.
Our human decided to help look after it for a week for the cat's recovery and converted the MeowRoom into a VIP Recovery Room.
a - food area
b - bed
c - litter
blue arrow - entrances to MeowYard blocked
green arrow - scratching pole
Top picture - still groggy after the operation
Middle picture - since e-collar is uncomfortable, our human took out old kitties' clothes, sew strings on side and tie to fit this scrawny cat
Bottom picture - the late fatties' clothes kept riding up, our human decided to diy another; took out some old socks and cut holes for the legs and butt.
Right now this kitty is eating well including taking her antibiotic pill and using the litter box.