27 April 2010

Tommy's Spread

Those who have access to internet got so used to it that when internet access is completely cut off for a period, you sort of feel a sense of isolation and detachment.

EJ experienced this lately and thus the silence. To keep busy, EJ went through some stuff and found an old photograph of Tommy taken years ago during one of the many visits before he adopted EJ.

Read this if you want to know how Tommy adopted EJ.

This is how Tommy looks now!


Annie Bear said...

Oh, what a sweetie Tommy is! I love how he's in the same position in both pictures! I wish I could tickle that cute tummy!

Ellen Whyte said...

Tommy is a cutie. Wonder why fluffy cats invite snorgles from people how are otherwise perfectly rational?!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Tommy must love laying in that position. I bet he likes his tummy rubbed.

Jacqueline said...

We missed you guys!...Tommy is a total sweetheart!!...We love his photos, what a handsome boy!...Kisses to Tommy!!...xo..Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a difference, Tommy almost doubled volume, lol !

Being without internet is terrible ! fortunately it only happened once to me for 4 h, but that was already enough, I felt lost, lol!

We love Luna said...

Tommy is adorable,glad to see he is fine and happy!
Happy Tuesday

Al said...

Oh wow! Tommy is such a lucky cat! Look how he has gained!

Ginger said...

Tommy is handsome now. (When you visited my COT, you must not have seen me beneath my 4 cats. I was the one napping and they piled on ME. Those are the best naps.)

Kea said...

Same pose! That's so adorable! LOL.

Yes, I think I'd be frantic without an internet connection. If my home one goes down, at least I have the work one! :-D

Cindy said...

I'm so glad to see that he filled out! Same position, some things never change.

Luna und Luzie said...

We know what you mean with the internet. Its the same here too!

What a difference between both pictures except the position.
Tommy is a cutie and a lucky cat!
Happy Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Tommy is such a cutie, I know you are glad he adopted you. Oh, we have internet issues so often! It can be very aggrevating. Glad to see you back. :)

Mary said...

Tommy is a beautiful cat :-) His home with you has made him very happy and contented. I enjoyed reading his story.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Is that one of Tommy's favorite positions?????? Really cool that he is laying in about the same position in both pics.

We are also happy to see that he looks healthier in the second one......nicely filled out. xxxxx


Tommy looks wonderful now! A little
love and he's looking good like a
Mancat should! :) Oh I had that same
internet problem in January. I missed
my blog and people too! Glad you are
back! :)

Ashkarya said...

Woohoo! Tommy the FAT cat!

Marg said...

Yes, it would be almost the end of the world for me if I lost the internet. And Tommy,we sure are glad you got adopted. You sure look better now so your new home agrees with you. That is a very healthy looking belly. Have a great day.

Irishcoda said...

That's so funny that--except for the weight--nothing's changed with Tommy (at least not the position he poses in, lol).

cats of wildcat woods said...

Tommy has filled out a bit but looks as happy!

meowmeowmans said...

Tommy is bigger, but we'd reognize his cuteness anywhere! GREAT photos!

Carla said...

WOW! Tommy is looking a little 'lush' now isn't he? Or maybe thats 'plush':).

Sharon Wagner said...

He definately has a bigger tummy.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Aawww, isn't he gorgeous? I rather think he loves where he is, that's why he adopted you.

I hate being without a computer...I feel so lost and I can't pay my bills or do my banking (what an excuse, eh?).

Hope yours is running well now.